San Diego Injury Lawyers

San Diego Injury Lawyers

According to the Annual Report of Fatal and Injury Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision 2010 released by the Department of California Highway Patrol, there were 290,998 vehicle accidents in California. During that time, in San Diego, there were 64 fatal crashes and 5,525 crashes resulting in injuries.

There were, on average, 15 crashes per day that resulted in injuries in San Diego in 2010. So given that statistic, you could quite possibly find yourself in a traffic-related accident where you sustain injuries. And should this be the case, you may need the help of experienced San Diego injury lawyers.

Is Getting San Diego Injury Lawyers the Best Route to Take?

Should you get San Diego injury lawyers if you have been in a vehicle accident? I’m sure that’s not a question you truly expected to have to answer so it might seem a bit surreal to even have to. But it is actually an easy question to answer. If the accident was more than a fender-bender and you were injured by another driver, then, yes, you absolutely need to contact San Diego injury lawyers.

Why do you need an injury lawyer? Well, when you’ve been in a vehicle accident, as you may or may not know, it can be a very stressful time with lots of decisions to make, things to worry about, and doctors to see. You are hurt, confused, and unsure of your rights under the law. This is where talking to San Diego injury lawyers can add a little calm to the chaos and help you to better understand your situation and how you might want to move forward.

How Can San Diego Injury Lawyers Help Me Resolve My Case?

Generally speaking, when you’ve been in a vehicle accident, there are two possible ways that the case can be resolved.

First, it can be resolved by you settling outside of court. This means the insurance company of the at-fault driver will accept fault and make an offer to you for a set amount of compensation. If you accept the settlement offer, you give up the right to ever bring a lawsuit to the driver or their insurance company.

However, if things cannot be settled outside of court or if the settlement offer is not adequate and can’t be agreed upon, then you or with the help of San Diego injury lawyers can escalate the case to a personal injury lawsuit.

In the case of a vehicle accident, good San Diego injury lawyers will evaluate your case individually and draw conclusions based on their years of experience. The lawyers will then advise you on the various options you may have. Would it be better to settle with the insurance company or bring the matter to court?

You will be the ultimate decision maker no matter what you decide. But should you decide to go to court or trial, be sure you have capable San Diego injury lawyers who have experience in this arena representing you.

For your convenience, we have also included a video of this article about San Diego injury lawyers. Please feel free to share.



NEXT SEE: How to Know Whether You Should Settle or Go to Court


Additional Resources for Personal Injury or Accidents: (American Association for Justice) (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers)

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