West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

According to the 2012 Traffic Crash Facts Annual Report which provides statistical information about traffic-related accidents that occurred across Florida and is put out by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were 1636 crashes in West Palm Beach (which averages out to be about 4.5 crashes per day).

Considering a population of around 100,000, West Palm Beach has a low incidence of traffic crashes. Nevertheless, the fact remains that there are car accidents and with these accidents, there are injuries and fatalities. Lives are altered, and when it’s not your fault, you have a right to be compensated for your injuries and property damage.

So, if you have been in an automobile accident, you may be wondering if you need to seek the legal advice of a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer.

But this sets up an interesting dynamic. Because on one hand, you see all of the lawyers on TV, billboards, etc. insisting that you need to contact them so they can help you protect your rights. While on the other hand, insurance companies are insisting that they are doing everything necessary for the health, healing and well-being of the injured. So who do you believe?

Do You Need a West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer?

This is actually a pretty easy question to answer. In most cases, depending on the extent of injuries and circumstances, it is advisable to talk to a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer. Even if you don’t end up hiring them to represent you, it’s smart to at least consult with them to make sure you understand all of the legalities of your case. Obviously you’re not a legal expert so there are certain laws or rights that are unknown to you, or even worse, the insurance company may not be informing you of all of your rights.

In order to get the compensation you deserve and need from an accident settlement, it’s important to follow these guidelines:

As soon as possible after the accident, even if you think you might have been at fault, you need to at least seek an initial consultation with a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer. Although you may be thinking that you can’t afford a lawyer, understand that it can actually be much more costly if you don’t and try to go it alone.

From your initial consultation, which is typically free, a good West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer can help you determine whether you even have a case, who is at fault if you do, what actions can be taken, etc. In other words, they can provide you with a clear picture of where you stand and how you might want to move forward.

When You Should Talk to a West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

By the way, it is imperative that you speak with a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer before speaking to anyone else about the case, because anything you say can be held against you or be a detriment to your case. This includes talking to anyone at your place of work or business and especially the other party’s insurance company and their lawyers.

By not choosing to hire a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer without even consulting with them, you may be losing out on money you will need in the future.

For example, if the offender’s insurance company says they will pay your medical bills, you may feel like it’s a pretty fair offer. But what happens if any of the symptoms come back after your initial treatment? Well, if that happens, since you’ve already settled with the insurance company, rest assured that it’s highly unlikely they will come back and pick up the tab for further medical or hospital bills. Insurance companies will pay the least amount of money they can get away with.

Another disadvantage to settling with an insurance company before speaking to a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer is that in some cases, you may not notice or feel the consequences of your injuries until weeks or months after the accident – feeling alright today could turn into a debilitating ailment tomorrow.

In these cases, a qualified West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer is experienced enough to know what the long-term effects of certain injuries are and will help to protect you from future financial problems due to medical issues or setbacks.

Take the Right Steps and Let a West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer Assist You

The bottom line is if you’re in an automobile accident and you know it’s more than a simple fender-bender, it is always a good idea to consult with a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer. And based on your initial consultation, you can make a determination about retaining a lawyer.

Even if you feel you were at fault, many times what victims of an accident say at the time of the incident will change once they have had a chance to talk to their attorney, insurance company or even friends. In order to protect yourself from further fault, you should consult and hire a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer to defend you against any false claims.

For your convenience, we have also included a video of this article about West Palm Beach personal injury  lawyer. Please feel free to share.


NEXT SEE: How to Know If You Really Should Use a West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer


Additional Resources for Personal Injury or Accidents:




http://www.justice.org/cps/rde/xchg/justice/hs.xsl/default.htm (American Association for Justice)

http://www.apil.org.uk/ (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers)

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