Phoenix Auto Accident Attorney

Phoenix Auto Accident AttorneyIn the 2012 Arizona Crash Facts Summary released by the Arizona Department of Transportation (AZDOT) which compiles statistical data for traffic-related accidents across Arizona, there were a total of 103,637 vehicle crashes. Of the total number of crashes, there were 738 fatal accidents and 33,475 accidents with injuries.

When you delve into the numbers and look at them by jurisdiction, you get a closer look at the city of Phoenix. In Phoenix in 2012, there were 30,674 crashes which represented 30% of the state’s total number of crashes and averaged out to be 84 crashes per day.

Of the total number of crashes in 2012 in Phoenix, there were 142 fatal crashes (148 people killed) and 10,377 crashes with injuries (15,867 people injured).

With a high incidence crashes in Phoenix, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, there is a good chance that you or a family member will be in an auto accident even if it’s not your fault and will need a Phoenix auto accident attorney.

How a Phoenix Auto Accident Attorney Can Help You

Understand that an auto accident can have a deep and long-lasting physical and emotional impact on you, as well as financial. In order to prevent this or to lessen the severity, it would be in your best interest to seek the counsel of a Phoenix auto accident attorney.

A Phoenix auto accident attorney deals with providing both advice as well as legal representation, if you need it. A Phoenix auto accident attorney’s objective is to help those who have been injured because of someone else’s negligence, wrongdoing or lack of attention. If you’re thinking about going it alone, you really ought to rethink that especially if you sustained an injury and the accident was more than just a fender-bender.

Listen. Generally speaking, a Phoenix auto accident attorney handles cases related to personal injuries. These represent physical, as well as psychological wounds. Meaning, there’s harm done to the body, mind, or emotions. A person injured because of another party’s negligence is entitled to compensation. A Phoenix auto accident attorney can help you with your claim and work with the insurance companies to make sure that you get maximum compensation.

Why You May Need a Phoenix Auto Accident Attorney on Your Side

The other party’s insurance adjusters will do all they can to minimize the fault of their client, regardless of how legitimate your claim is, and therefore will do their best to give you minimum compensation. No matter how much they tell otherwise, their allegiance is to the insurance company which means they’re not out to get you all of the money you deserve. This is where a good, experienced Phoenix auto accident attorney can fight the insurance adjusters and help in getting you the kind of settlement you deserve for what you’ve been through.

Again, if you’ve been in an auto accident and sustained injuries, you should get medical care and then contact a Phoenix auto accident attorney immediately. You, ultimately, can make the decision about whether or not you want to have a Phoenix auto accident attorney represent you, but you should at least contact them to get some legal advice. A reputable auto accident attorney should not charge you for the initial consultation.

For your convenience, we have also included a video of this article about Phoenix auto accident attorney. Please feel free to share.


NEXT SEE: If You’ve Been in an Accident, Look to See If You Have a Case


Additional Resources for Personal Injury or Accidents: (American Association for Justice) (Association of Personal Injury Lawyers)

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